Display type Ink Black Sungti
& the postcard set
& the postcard set
Typeface design / Display type
Autumn 2017
Autumn 2017
Ink Black Sungti is a display Chinese typeface that is extremely bold, showcased with a set of typographic postcards. The idea was to explore the boundary of the weights of Chinese type.
12 Chinese characters & a set of 12 postcards / individual work
(Typeface) Digital format created in Glyphsapp ; (Postcards) w9 × h14 cm, portrait format, double-sided, with laser-printed packaging, cards printed on colour papers & mounted on black cardboards
(Typeface) Digital format created in Glyphsapp ; (Postcards) w9 × h14 cm, portrait format, double-sided, with laser-printed packaging, cards printed on colour papers & mounted on black cardboards